Josh Usheroff – The Pandora Box Of The Reel World

Josh Usheroff | Co-founder and  Producer | Black Box Productions


If ‘Content is King’ then Black Box Productions is the kingdom because according to the company’s   LinkedIn profile:

We offer turnkey solutions from scripting and conceptualization, through to execution, post-production and delivery. We are always focused on ensuring that the content we produce is of the highest quality and ultimately aligns with our client’s business goals.


Black Box Productions has been in business since 2008 and offers production services across Canada. They have operations in Montreal and Canada.

Describing his organization, Josh Usheroff, Co-founder and  Producer, has this to say:

At Black Box Productions, our bespoke full-service productions are world-class. We create engaging commercial campaigns and branded content for major global brands, agencies and innovative start-ups alike. Our work is distributed digitally across multiple platforms as well as through traditional broadcast channels. We offer turnkey solutions from scripting and conceptualization, through to execution, post-production and delivery.

With operations based in Toronto and Montreal, we maintain a roster of Canadian talent to support filming from coast to coast.

Josh Usheroff,  Commercial Producer


Black Box Productions ensures that the creative treatment for their videos will resonate with their client’s target audience to achieve desired outcomes. They help brands use video to connect with their audiences. The productions move the needle to shape brand perception and client buying behaviour. They keep on top of the ever-changing video and tend to ensure their content is relevant and can achieve maximum impact.

We are a strategy first production company.

Josh Usheroff, Video Strategist and Producer


We believe that strategy matters. We believe that craft matters.
We believe that outcomes matter.

– Josh Usheroff, Commercial Producer


Personally, Josh had always been interested in the craft of video production. On top of being a commercial producer, he is also the cinematographer on the majority of the projects. Achieving a certain look is always an interesting creative challenge for him. He believes that creating good work leads to more good work. Interesting client projects, lead to more interesting client projects. This led to steady growth in Black Box’s first decade as they honed their production skills. Recently, Josh has been much more focused on the business side of running a production company. Building the systems  and processes for the company to grow. Black Box is more intentionally focusing on the strategic objectives of their clients, to ensure that they are producing the right type of video, to achieve the desired outcome.

I believe that creating good work leads to more good work.
Interesting client projects, lead to more interesting client projects.

– Josh Usheroff, Producer and Cinematographer


Josh has to say the following about his team:

Our team believes that craft matters. In a market where so much “throw-away” content is produced, we still get excited about making work that is thoughtfully created with a purpose. Our nimble team can adapt our creative approach to the needs of the project. It’s always a pleasure to be on set with a team of skilled and dedicated specialists collaborating to achieve a shared vision. When our clients see us working, they remark how impressed they are with our attention to detail and responsiveness to the needs of the production.

We have a range of creatives that we work with, from green recent graduates to technicians who have worked in a role throughout their long careers. On set and behind the scenes, we help our newest team members learn the craft in big and little ways. New and seasoned professionals alike, work together to hone their craft. We foster an inclusive, positive and professional environment for all.

When our clients see us working, they remark how impressed they are with our
attention to detail and responsiveness to the needs of the production.

Josh Usheroff, Co-founder and  Producer


Josh shares:

From a young age, I always had an interest in creating images, but I wasn’t confident I could make a career out of it. I studied Commerce in college, followed by Communications Studies at Concordia University. I specialized in Video Production and began to develop my technical skills and creative approaches to production.

After graduating, I worked for three years with my father. He taught me the importance of integrity and hard work. While leading New Product Development, I travelled to Asia every year to attend trade shows and source new products. This exposed me to new cultures and highlighted the importance of developing strong client and supplier relationships. In 2008, I partnered with my life-long friend Ben Goloff to start Black Box Productions.

One of the things I like about my work is that the projects are so varied. Black Box doesn’t offer cookie-cutter video packages. Every project is developed with the client’s needs and objectives in mind. Because of that, there is a lot of variety in my days. Sometimes we’re on large sets with 30+ crew producing a TV commercial, other days, we’re working on a docu-style production with a crew of 4. Big or small, the challenges of a new production, keeping the ideas fresh, and pushing creative boundaries to gets me out of bed in the morning excited to be working with clients I respect and a talented team.

One of the things I like about my work is that the projects are so varied.

Josh Usheroff, Producer and Cinematographer


Josh says:

For the first 10 years of running Black Box, I was very much focused on learning the craft of production, camera and lighting techniques, and how to create a compelling story. Recently, my focus has changed to systematizing and building the infrastructure to grow the team and the operations. I wouldn’t say I’m working myself out of a job, but I am certainly trying to remove myself as a bottleneck. We’ve been very fortunate to have a steady stream of inbound requests for our production services. My focus is on building the team & processes to be able to consistently deliver a quality product for our clients.

My current goal is to develop the systems and processes that will allow our organization to grow while maintaining the highest possible quality. In terms of my personal development, I am inspired by the teachings of Dan Sullivan – Strategic Coach, Donald Miller – Building a Story Brand, Blair Enns & David C. Baker – 2Bobs.

We are currently developing a niche brand focusing on the toy and gaming industry called The Fun Machine. We have worked quite successfully with different toy manufacturers and video game developers. This new brand will have a more focused offering than Black Box Productions which serves a variety of industries from tech, to finance, to consumer brands. It seems that many business advisors recommend focusing your service offering to scale. This will be an interesting opportunity to test that hypothesis.

My current goal is to develop the systems and processes that will allow
our organization to grow while maintaining the highest possible quality

-Josh Usheroff, Co-founder and  Producer


When he’s not on set or planning the next production, Josh usually spends time with his wife and young kids. He enjoys skiing in the winter. Every summer he plans a canoe camping trip with life-long friends.

On the canoe trip, there are no screens, no email, and no data service.
Just the view of a lake, stars in the sky, and a crackling campfire.

Josh Usheroff, Co-founder and  Producer

To learn more about Black Box Productions and the services they offer visit:

To see some of Josh Usheroff’s cinematography portfolio visit:

Josh Usheroff was recently on a Podcast where he shared his advice for video producers starting in the industry.

You can hear the podcast: The Grow Your Video Business Podcast, Ep. 278
