Jennifer Cohen | Suprema Fitness
Healthy, Fitness, and Gym are the power-packed words of this generation and age. At a time when lifestyle is becoming fast-paced and lifestyle diseases are becoming a part and parcel of our lives, there are a few individuals who are facilitating how to live a healthy life. One such individual is Jennifer Cohen who is at the forefront of making the community healthy & happy through her initiative- Suprema Fitness
Suprema Fitness is a full-service agency backed by venture fund MDO Holdings, which primarily invests in health and wellness tech startups.
Jennifer Cohen who has been at the forefront in the entrepreneurial space for over 20 years with a global footprint voraciously describes herself in the following way:
“ I am a best-selling author, brand strategist, international speaker and educator with a specific focus on building healthy habits to drive positive behavioural change. I am also the CEO of Suprema and host of the critically acclaimed Habits & Hustle in collaboration with Entrepreneur media”.
Giving details about what her company does, Jennifer declares that:
Suprema provides guidance, management, strategic and advisory services for individual and corporate brands, both emerging and large.
The Company specializes in health, wellness and lifestyle brands and works to create top and bottom-line growth for its clients through partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions. Some of my past clients include Weight Watchers, KIND bar, Tru Niagen, Muscle Milk, Tonal Gym and Loews Hotels. Habits and Hustle does a deep dive into the habits and “hustle” of thought leaders, entrepreneurs and overall extraordinary people and gleans insight into what they did and do to get to that level.
When asked how her company persists in a market where there is a race for fitness products Cohen proudly declares, “My brand doesn’t just pigeonhole itself to one demographic. It speaks to the budding entrepreneur looking for guidance to the well-established business person wanting to keep their tools sharp and ready to pivot with the ever-changing times”
They say that the beginning is always the hardest and here’s how Jennifer began- After embarking on the health and wellness field right out of college, I kept expanding and growing from my hometown in Canada to the metropolis that is Los Angeles, California. In 2019, I took my passion and experience to develop and host one of the fastest rising, regularly ranked podcasts, the critically acclaimed Habits & Hustle in collaboration with Entrepreneur media. In 2021, it made the list amongst health and wellness enthusiasts landing in the Men’s Health list for 20 Best Podcasts to get you motivated, both physically and mentally. In 2022, the show has expanded its reach to nearly 48 million viewers with newly inked distribution partners that include USA Today Network, Cheddar News, Biz TV, Pluto TV, MSN Money, Reach TV, Vizio, LG, and AWE, just to name a few.
Challenges abound in the business world but what matters is how you overcome them and here’s how Cohen overcame her challenges- I speak all about this in my “10% Mindset Target” Ted Talk. Mindset is extremely important, if not the most important. I tell myself daily, “I can learn to do anything that I want.” I put that focus ahead of me and completely go for it whether it be interviewing Tony Robbins on my podcast or cooking a dish I have never attempted before on my YouTube show, “Cooking with Cohen.” I have had the same mentality ever since I was a kid in Canada learning to pedal my first bike.
Jennifer Cohen remains upgraded in the business through social media.
“Tik Tok took over during the pandemic and YouTube is making its way back to bring new ways for creatives to monetize their talents. The metaverse is bringing new avenues daily. You either get on board or get left behind.” she mentions.”
On asked about her plans for the organization Jennifer has advice that we all too should follow– I have learned not to give all of your ideas out too freely because someone else might pick up and run with them. Keep watching and growing with me. There is no limit on where I am going.
While she also advises the following for women looking forward to making their mark in her industry:
Know that real work starts once you become an entrepreneur.
Some people think running your own business means you can kick back while employees do the work. Furthest from the truth! There will be late nights and early mornings. You might not make any money the first year or barely break even. It is in that year of personal growth that you will learn the most valuable lessons.
Success will soon follow.