CJ Scarlet: A Warrior for Child Safety and Empowerment

CJ Scarlet is a passionate advocate for children’s safety, a dedicated author, an innovative online course creator, and the founder of Badass Grandma Ventures. Her company promotes books, online courses, and future kids’ safety video games, all aimed at protecting children from harm. Her first online course, Heroic Parenting 101, is designed to educate parents on empowering their children to handle bullying, avoid predators, and escape dangerous situations. At EliteX, we are proud to have CJ Scarlet as part of the edition: Impactful Female Entrepreneurs to Watch, 2025.

Her inspiration for starting the company stems from personal experience. Having survived child sexual abuse and a violent assault at 19, she understands firsthand the devastating impact of such trauma. Rather than allowing these experiences to define her, she chose to become an advocate, dedicating over 35 years to helping thousands of survivors reclaim their power. She has worked as the director of a child advocacy center and served as Director of Victims Issues for the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office. Her mission is deeply personal, and she is determined to break the cycle of child victimization.

Starting the business came with significant challenges, particularly in securing funding and strategically managing growth. Transitioning from selling a few hundred books per year to launching online courses at scale requires careful planning. Drawing on her 26 years of entrepreneurial experience, CJ has tapped into resources such as Bunker Labs, an incubator for veteran-led businesses, and various women’s business networks. These connections have provided invaluable guidance as she navigates the expansion of her company. One of the most important lessons she has learned as an entrepreneur is the importance of patience and strategic decision-making. She acknowledges that bootstrapping a business is a demanding endeavor and has learned to prioritize investments wisely. In the past, she made premature purchases in hopes of accelerating her progress, only to realize that everything has its time. Now, she takes a more measured and thoughtful approach to scaling her business.

 “Mistakes are not setbacks but essential stepping stones to success.”

CJ’s work makes a profound societal impact by addressing the widespread issue of child abuse. Studies show that half of all children experience some form of abuse before the age of 18. These experiences often perpetuate a cycle of violence, with victims and perpetrators passing down trauma through generations. By educating parents and children on safety strategies, CJ aims to disrupt this cycle and foster healthier families and communities. While the true impact of her efforts may never be fully measurable, she is confident that her courses, books, and future video games will prevent abuse, protect children, and save lives.

Badass Grandma Ventures stands out in the industry due to its comprehensive and practical approach to child safety education. Unlike other programs that focus on complex self-defense techniques requiring years of mastery, CJ teaches children simple yet effective moves to escape dangerous situations within minutes. Heroic Parenting 101 covers a wide range of critical topics, including bullying, cyberbullying, online dangers, sexual molestation, kidnapping, sex trafficking, and consent. A unique feature of her course is a specialized module for teaching safety skills to children with disabilities. Her experience as a survivor gives her an authentic voice that resonates with both parents and children, setting her brand apart.

When faced with tough times, CJ stays motivated by remembering her purpose. Many people believe that child victimization is an unsolvable problem, but she refuses to accept that notion. She is determined to create a movement that empowers parents and children to fight back against abuse. Her unwavering commitment drives her forward, knowing that her efforts can lead to significant change. She believes that if every parent followed the methods she teaches, millions of children could be protected from harm.

 “Success is defined by the number of children who are safer because of my work.”

For aspiring female entrepreneurs, CJ offers practical advice: trust yourself. She warns against becoming overly reliant on business programs that claim to guarantee success. While such resources can be helpful, she emphasizes the importance of trusting one’s own instincts and experience. Women entrepreneurs should have confidence in their abilities and make decisions based on their unique vision and expertise. Balancing work and personal life remains a challenge for CJ, as she is deeply passionate about her mission. She admits that closing her laptop at the end of the day is difficult, as her work is not just a job but a calling. However, she continues striving for balance while keeping her focus on her goals.

Technology has played a crucial role in the growth of her business. While she previously relied minimally on digital tools for book promotion, the transition to an online course model has made technology indispensable. From video production to course hosting platforms, and from social media marketing to affiliate partnerships, technological advancements have streamlined the process, allowing her to reach a wider audience efficiently. Throughout her journey, CJ has benefited from the mentorship of accomplished individuals, including successful women entrepreneurs and military veteran mentors. Their guidance, support, and occasional tough love have been instrumental in her growth. She acknowledges that she would not have achieved her level of success without their influence.

One of the most significant mistakes she made in business was holding onto a vendor for too long, hoping they would eventually meet her expectations. This misjudgment cost her valuable time and money, forcing her to start that aspect of the project over from scratch. From this experience, she learned the importance of making tough decisions and cutting ties when necessary to protect her business. For CJ, success is defined by the number of parents who take her course and the number of children who gain confidence and safety skills as a result. Her ultimate goal is to break the cycle of violence against children and contribute to a society where kids can grow up without fear.

Looking ahead, she has ambitious plans for Badass Grandma Ventures. The upcoming launch of Heroic Parenting 101 in March is just the beginning. She aims to develop an interactive kids’ safety video game, expected to debut in early 2026. Financially, she is on track to achieve seven-figure revenue within the next 18 months. Most importantly, she envisions a future where countless children benefit from her teachings, equipping them with knowledge and skills that will keep them safe throughout their lives.

“I refuse to accept the status quo.”

Supporters can contribute to her mission by enrolling in the Heroic Parenting 101 online course, available for pre-sale at a discounted early bird price. By participating, parents can empower themselves with vital information and become the guardians their children deserve.

To aspiring female entrepreneurs in 2025, CJ shares a powerful message: there are no wrong choices. She encourages women to let go of the fear of failure and embrace the learning process. Mistakes are not setbacks but essential stepping stones to success. Every decision, even those that do not go as planned, provides valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. She urges women to believe in themselves, take action, and create the businesses and lives they dream of.

CJ Scarlet’s journey is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering dedication to a cause greater than herself. Through her work, she is creating a safer world for children, one parent at a time. Her legacy will not only be defined by her success as an entrepreneur but by the lives she has helped protect and the future she is helping to shape.