Amanda Bouzanquet | CMO | PLAYA3ULL GAMES
The Game Changer
Amanda Bouzanquet is a CMO of PLAYA3ULL GAMES. She is a multi-award-winning fashion designer and was involved in all aspects of SME business, from product development to manufacturing, for 30 years. Apart from that, she’s experienced in all aspects of administration, including sales and marketing. After winning several international competitions for design and travelling the world on a promotional tour for Nescafe Big Break Award in 1992, Amanda was featured as one of Cosmopolitan Magazine’s 30 most successful women under 30 in 1997 and Business Class Magazine’s top 30 entrepreneurs under 30 in 1999. Since the beginning of 2020, her focus has been on alternate income streams specialising in e-commerce, paid conversion advertising and long-term organic lead generation. She started working on the project as a CMO of PLAYA3ULL GAMES in mid-2022 and launched the project on the 2nd of February 2022. Her organisation is a distributed workforce that lives and works worldwide.
With the “Your Move” tagline, PLAYA3ULL GAMES is paving a new way in the gaming world. Their mission is to create games that transport people to a new places. Games that immerse individuals in the experience allow them to experiment with being something more than themselves. The company transfer the ownership, design, and economy of these games to the people who play them and reward those players with in-game assets they own. The organization’s goal is to build (internally) and sponsor (externally) games designed by some of the most experienced game developers in the world. To achieve this, they have built their own Blockchain, released Nodes and used 3ULL Coin, which serves as the foundation for the PLAYA3ULL GAMES ecosystem. Each game will be built on its world, and each world will have part of that world dedicated to the Metaverse, where if players like the game world, they will be able to purchase land and build homes, businesses, and social environments in that world. PLAYA3ULL GAMES are games designed backwards. They ask people what they want and build the game for them. In short, they develop customized games according to the player’s demands. And that’s how they’re moving the gaming world!
The Motivation Behind
While talking about the motivation behind PLAYA3ULL GAMES, Amanda Bouzanquet says,
“My husband is a veteran hobby gamer, including my three sons. My youngest son left school at seventeen, played games for others and got paid exceptionally well. Using that money, he started investing and trading NFTs which was profitable. That’s how we started thinking about games as more than a hobby where we can invest money and time. We thought, what if we could change it to an asset class, building something valuable over time? Turning gaming into a side hustle for a Westerner is a game-changer, and an income for someone in a less fortunate country is a life changer.”
Attaining the Equilibrium
To aim for a work-life balance, Amanda believes that the familiar rhetoric does more harm than good, ‘you must have work-life balance.’ However, a couple of years ago, she had an epiphany when she realizes there’s just ‘life’. When I removed the ‘work-life balance thoughts, the conflict I had with myself was that I was working too hard or felt bad when a few hours off was gone.” Talking about how she manages the balance, Amanda says further,
“I have always been a hard worker and a creative individual. So when I get in the zone, and if I don’t come up for air for several hours, that is me, and it’s ok. Doing what works for you is essential, but it clogs your brain when you put pressure to perform or don’t work. I think about what I do most of the time, and I now work when I want to work, which is most of the time, and I don’t berate myself when I divert to life for a few hours. When you have a job, it is easier to separate work from life. If an entrepreneur is who you are, then you do what you have to do when you have to, and that has been true for me even when I was raising my three children. So often, they went with me to many work tasks because that was my only option.”
The Changing Path
When Amanda Bouzanquet turned 40, she thought it was time to give up the rag trade business and try something else. Later, she and her husband started a real estate agency and quickly discovered what a toxic and old traditional industry it was and how it needed an overhaul. So, they devised a new way that worked brilliantly well for everyone. It worked so well that other agents made it their mission to ensure it wouldn’t survive. The final straw was being told they could not advertise in the local paper. Their new idea utterly smashed the traditional real estate statistics, and it was heartbreaking when after five years, they decided it was time to take an exit. This idea was their most significant accomplishment and biggest heartbreak. They believed in a philosophy: “Every project is either the last project you will do or one that is getting you closer to that final project.”
Finding the profoundness
While sharing words of wisdom for aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting something new, Amanda says, you get to an age where some things become clear, and you feel like they are true. Oprah wrote the book ‘What I Know for Sure’; here are some things I know for sure.
– If you are in a job and you are dissatisfied or feel like something is missing, or you feel there should be so much more, then you are an entrepreneur ready to be unleashed.
– It is also true that if you are unhappy and think you can’t get this idea off the ground and feel like it’s never going to work, you may need to get a job and reassess.
– Life is both hard and easy. It’s all how you look at it.
– It is challenging but rewarding and lonely yet heartwarming.
– If you’re blessed with children at the beginning, middle or end of your journey, you will curse most days but be amazed at how many balls you can juggle.
– And last but not least, under any circumstances, don’t take advice from people in your life who have no skin in the game regarding the outcome of the advice/decision. For example, you have a business and ask a friend in their job to give you their opinion. Don’t be tempted. Only take the advice of those who have been where you have been, those you have come before you or have a vested interest in (respect says you listen to them as well).
Breaking the Barriers
Amanda continues to push forward in the face of obstacles and setbacks with a firm belief and the power of reassurance. She doesn’t have piles like “in” and “out”. She follows a simple equation of- setting priorities, taking required actions, learning and then being done. She makes learning something new part of her work every day. So if she’s stuck on a task, she moves it to ‘the learning’ pile rather than calling it something she is stuck on.

“Pushing forward is a life skill everyone needs to learn. I am sure humans have not survived as long as we have by being comfortable, although that is the state most of us like to be in. The setbacks will absolutely 100% happen. So don’t think about them. Just know that the more setbacks you have, the more prepared you’ll be.”
– Amanda Bouzanquet
Thriving with the Success
“I use my head for my planning process, establishing goals and objectives. They are not set in stone but a guide. I use my heart and feel when creating, I let the creative process go beyond what was planned if that is how it falls. I use my head to access the success and the numbers to pull and push the best path forward.”
– Amanda Bouzanquet
Working on the Network
In every field, networking plays a crucial role and especially in entrepreneurship, it’s essential. Amanda thinks that she could have been better at building a network as, in the beginning, she was introverted, and time has always been a valuable resource for her, so she wasn’t sure if it was worth the time and commitment. As a younger woman, she used to force herself to do this. The digital age has made connecting with people easy and reduced the time to actual meeting time only. Now we can have a 15-minute meeting with someone 14,000 kilometres away, which is amazing, and that’s the power of technology. I feel like there are many more changes to come.
An Impactful Pact of PLAYA3ULL GAMES
Gaming is similar to real estate in that many traditional gamers believe blockchain technology is not welcome in this space. So to bring a change in the belief system of gaming, the CMO of PLAYA3ULL GAMES, Amanda Bouzanquet, says,
“We have our work cut out for us, and it will take time, but we are committed to providing gamers with a choice they currently don’t have. The days of gaming companies ignoring the player base and not rewarding their community are over. The PLAYA3ULL GAMES ecosystem comprises three groups, the sum of which is greater than the parts. Firstly, the 3ULLievers are those who back and support the project by purchasing nodes and are awarded coins daily. Secondly, the traders who buy, sell and hold 3ULL coins. And finally, the players who play, earn and own in-game assets. At the heart of our game development, we require feedback from the players to inform the build, so the game is a game that fans of any genre will enjoy playing.”